Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Good ad campaign?

So, Sunday night I was watching the Patriots blow out the Bills. Around 9:15 or so there was an ad for Subway featuring Peter Griffin from Family Guy rambling on about the food behind him on-screen. So that reminded me, whoa, I was missing Family Guy at the same time....I should switch back and forth during the commericals.

So I hit the remote for my local Fox station, and right on cue, there's Peter Griffin....puking all over the floor on screen.

Nice job, Subway. That's not exactly how you wanna draw it up in the ad office, huh?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Bored on friday

Okay, ten artists with my favorite song by each (not the same as when I posted my 10 favorites all by the Beatles a month or so ago).

Van Halen with Dave -- House of Pain
Van Halen wit Sammy -- Source of Infection
Metallica -- Blackened
Led Zeppelin -- When the Levee Breaks
The Eagles -- Life in the Fast Lane
The Doors -- Peace Frog
Pearl Jam -- Jeremy
Nirvana -- Breed
Soundgarden -- My Wave
Smashing Pumpkins -- geek usa

I usually would have arguments with a friend in college, he liked all the right bands, just not the right songs.

maybe I'll pick 10 more next week or the mean time, i suppose you can argue one way or another about these....

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

how to deliver this...

okay, had a pretty good idea for a joke, not sure on how to nail the delivery.

The premise is along the idea of "I'm thinking of a number between one and a hundred", only in this case, we're talking fingers.

I want it to come off like, I'm thinking of a finger between pointer and ring...obviously it's a way to verbally give an f-u to someone. I think the delivery's got to be kinda deliberate to set it up right....say it too fast and excited, and it doesn't sound as funny.

Monday, November 12, 2007


I don't think the real issue with

Toys Я Us

is the fact that the R is backwards. (And that's what supposed to be there in that line above....I found a Cyrillic letter in the Arial font on my computer to use for it, and that may not work on others' screens.)

Anyway, we have a predicate nominative here. So the pronoun in question should be "We".

Toys Я We

Thursday, November 08, 2007

It's like breaking up....

Neil Sedaka, right? I should know, all the car trips as a kid with my dad blasting the oldies station.

Anyways, I found it interesting in that I've had a couple of major break-ups this week.

First, it was time to tell my dentist from the last ten years that his office is too far away to keep going to him. I mean really, 60 was one thing when I lived in various towns no more than 10 miles away. Besides, this is the guy that's found cavities. I had one dentist for the first 20+ years, and never had any teeth issues. With this guy....had my wisdom teeth pulled, and two fillings (and maybe a third, but he left it as a "watch" on my records for whoever I transfer to). An amusing story, I saved the wisdom teeth after the specialist he sent me to pulled them, and 2 years later (when I'd remembered to bring them), this dentist was able to not only identify which tooth came from where, he could point out where some decay had started that was the cause of the whole "you should have these pulled" conversation.

Okay, breakup number two. My job. I waited and waited six months at a time for my boss to replace my assistant. So now he has to replace two employees. Which were his only employees. So good luck with that, I'm going on to a bigger company. On the bright side, he can't exactly show me the door and be completely unstaffed for 3 weeks....there's some leverage. I even rejected an offer of a pay raise and the possibility of working from home to avoid the God-awful commute on I-95. (I actually don't believe the telecommuting one....he's got lots of "ideas" that never amount to anything. It took me 3 years to get business cards. And I've been waiting since month 1 for him to buy the required server upgrade so that we're not 2-3 versions behind on our software.) I guess that's what happens when you have a bunch of businesses and you consider one of them to be an afterthought....

I'm not big on "let's compare the stress between the break-ups" but some people might make that into a college psych paper....good luck with that.

On a completely unrelated note, my favorite teams are probably better than your favorite teams. Therefore, logically, I must be a better person than any of you, huh?

Slow-roasting a chicken all day in the Crock-Pot "BBQ Pit" thing on the counter. That's dinner, and there's peanut butter cheesecake for dessert.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

A tale of two bands

The way the blinds are hanging at the window beyond my desk at work, I can be blinded temporarily for about 5-10 minutes at sunset each night, this time of year. (In the summer, I go home long before sunset, and in the winter, sunset's while I'm still working.) Anyway, the sky is pink with purple stripes of clouds. A bit freaky, but a change from typical blue/gray or even orange.

Last Sunday Duran Duran debuted their entire new album in a concert at the Oakdale Theatre in Wallingford, CT. (Yeah, yeah, it's now the Chevrolet Theatre, whatever.) Let's see....lots of forty-something overweight women in droves. The songs were so-so. Some were good, some were not, but most of all, nobody really wanted to hear them. That's the thing when old bands re-unite. People wanna hear the same 15 songs at every show. In the parking lot, some guy walked past us getting in our car and asked where Rio and Hungry Like the Wolf were. I almost yelled back at him, in your record cabinet, dickhead. But yeah, after the new songs, they did a few old ones. My wife was a full-fledged fan back in the day, and she said she only recognized 5 songs. What was good was that the arena only seats about 3000 or so, and that meant being pretty close -- 20th row, center stage.

Now, Van Halen in Boston was a different story all together. Sold out and LOUD. All old stuff, and after 20 years of Sammy Hagar, I get the feeling they were glad to be able to play this stuff live. I knew every song, and could pick out random bits and pieces from Eddie's solo -- like some of Girl Gone Bad. There was a couple in front of us engaging in doobage, but it's not like they passed it around. Anyway, isn't VH more of a being drunk band, versus a being stoned band? A buddy of mine was kinda drunk, so he starts trying to put his arm around me during songs he liked. (Apparently he tried this with my dad who I gave my Stones ticket to a couple of years ago, and my dad had to keep pulling his arm off and telling him to cut the shit.) Wolfgang, on bass instead of Michael Anthony, pretty much "knew his place" -- you're the chubby 16-year-old kid who's new, just play your lines and don't draw attention to yourself. (One exception, they put a big Red Sock over the end of his bass to appeal to the crowd.) If nothing else, he certainly looks more in place height-wise than Anthony, who always seemed on the short end amidst the other band members. I'll be curious to see if they actually do a new album themselves. (Or if Eddie kills Dave instead.)

The cool thing about being in Boston is that it was also the day of the "rolling rally" parade for the Red Sox. (speaking of doobage...) But what this did is make getting a table at a restaurant an hour-long wait on a Thursday night. All the folks in the city for the Sox, overlapped with concertgoers. (My dinner: Veal parm sandwich from Four's Grille.)

And as I finish this up, the sky is all purple (Prince reference?) with a couple of yellow streaks in the horizon.

Pats-Colts this weekend. Should be good. (I'd be amused there WERE a cheap shot on Brady with all this anti-Pats stuff....because Peyton would invariably go down on the next series, kinda like a football version of a beanball war.)