Monday, January 29, 2007

Musings after the weekend.

So my ex-wife went to get my daughter's ears pierced. As though 8 were some magical age.

Nobody seems to have come up with "Bush league" to describe Reggie Bush's pointing at the Bears. I'm stunned Joe Buck was silent about it, honestly. That's a lower-class move than a little fun Randy Moss mooning! :)

Se7en was an awesome movie. Finally watched it on DVD.

Strangers with Candy was NOT awesome at all. But every few minutes it would save itself from being turned off completely with something funny. That was an accidental buy on demand last night, I only wanted to see the preview, and Erika misunderstood me. More Nick Tortelli would have been better.

Because Versus is only available on the set with the cable box for expanded service, I couldn't watch the NHL all-star game outside of the family room. I alone could have raised the ratings another two-thousandths of a percent.

My fingernails are at near-record length....and I'm getting hungry.

King's Cribbage is an interesting game, for those who play cribbage. It's like Scrabble.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I can't believe the fans are getting this brought back! But at Comedy Central? What up with that? Anyways, like the Simpsons, only smarter and with better plots.

I wonder if Bill Cosby has another round of Fat Albert in him.....that would be interesting. Completely out of left field, too....but hey, maybe he needs to pay someone off for something. I'd give it a shot watching it. Only this time, they can't be kids any more. How about the gang as a bunch of old mean in their 50s....Weird Harold, strung out on drugs. Rudy, doing time....Fat Albert, happily married in a nice house. Dumb Donald, going for prostate surgery. Russell, working on Wall Street. Some good, some bad....and if you're not careful, you might learn something before it's done. Hey hey hey!

Monday, January 15, 2007

I bet nobody reads this

Someone over on Shanoff was saying it was a shame that all the commenters don't have their own blogs. I've read like 5 of's not like all the blogs are quick links that we can see all at once. And I *know* Shanoff (sorta), so responding to his blog makes a little more sense than saying something to a stranger.

"You don't know me, but then again, you don't know football either!!"

That's not cool, right?

Anyways, happy new year and MLK Day. The holidays are officially over now, huh? People say happy holidays, which ones do they mean, specifically?

Go Patriots!