Monday, September 17, 2007

Is the Genesis concert next weekend?

That's what I was asked this morning while showering. The answer, of course, is

It was last night.

Oops. That's $150 I'll never get back. Not only did both of us completely forget, but I lost two sets of tennis (6-8, 7-9) to a friend of mine when I should have been driving to Hartford.

And...we were discussing concerts coming friend is one of like 20 million people in the lottery trying to get Led Zeppelin tickets. I mentioned going to see VH next month....and never did it occur to me that I had Genesis tickets for a show starting in about an hour and a half.

I'm "cloning" a brew called Fat Tire Amber Ale. The brewmaking store puts together all the ingredients you need to make famous and not-so-famous beers, so you don't have to work too hard on ingredient-buying. I have no idea if this beer's any good. Each raw ingredient is awful, of course, so hopefully it'll all come together in the end. I had to run out to buy cheesecloth to make a homemade grain bag -- the first step is to steep the grains in water like a giant tea bag. I thought about using an old sock, and actually until I found the cheesecloth at the store, I almost bought a mesh ironing board cover to use.

I could definitely envision someone marketing a beer called "Old Sock"...


david mcmahon said...

Hi BRian,

OUCH - I feel your pain.

Hmmmm, sounds like the Exodus take place even before Genesis could occur!

Re: the Monopoly picture. You are the ONLY person who picked the dice as being different. We lost one years ago - which is why they are mismatched!

Well done, Hawkeye!

Keep smiling


Fornya said...

Fat Tire Amber Ale is delicious. I used to drool over it, but it was only available in Colorado. Friends would literally fly back east from Colorado with cases of it on their laps in the plane (back in the days when you could do that sort of thing).

Bart said...

Guess that means you couldn't dance, eh?

Chele76 said...

oh... that's rough. :/

~**Dawn**~ said...

Oh man. That really stinks.

Note to self... Sox tickets are for Sunday... *Sunday*...

Suldog said...

Oh, man, that's too bad. I've been a week EARLY for a concert (AC/DC, wasted a damn fine buzz, too) but I've never missed one like that. I feel for you.

Brian in Oxford said...

I found five dice in my car recently. Apparently I was taking them somewhere for a weekend expecting drinking games...the games never materialized, but the dice are still in my car to this day, three years later.

Greetings, fornya. I actually misread the label of the "clonebrew" kit as Flat Tire....anyway, it's smelling quite good out of the primary fermenter.

Bart, I couldn't dance, I couldn't sing...yeah you know the deal.

Apparently my wife missed a Sarah McLachlan concert the same way, but bought tickets to a show a week later. She just assumed I'd keep on top of the Genesis date this time.

Dawn, if you botch the day of the game in Tampa, it's not like it would be sold out, so you COULD buy seats for that day's game, too! :)

Suldog, I'm curious whether the "damn fine buzz" was related to any ORGANIZED tailgating amongst whoever you went with! Certainly a re-buzz would not be uncalled for the following week!

Keshi said...

OUCH! I'd cry for days...but thats just me :)

I love Genesis!


Alex L said...

I wont fill you in on my views of genesis but bad luck on missing the concert specially since you spent $150 on tickets.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Ooh. I'd never forgive myself if I'd done that.

~**Dawn**~ said...

LOL! Not really. My ticket is for Sunday. No more games after that.

Suldog said...

Oh, I was only with buddy Fred. He was doing the driving, so he pretty much poured me out of the car when we got where we were going. Then, no concert. We went back to my neck of the woods, ordered Chinese food, and I later barfed up the Char Sue Din.

The next week was much better!