Friday, September 21, 2007

Let's try this again...

No, I'm not alluding to a famous quote from Daffy Duck. (Do you want to shoot him here, or wait till you get home?)

I'm saying this because my wife has gone to an online ticket re-seller and purchased us 2 nosebleed seats to see Genesis at Madison Square Garden Tuesday night. (I like how on Futurama, they have Madison Cube Garden.)

Anyways, Suldog is promising a story from his life as a dishwasher. But while he stalls, I've got my own story as one.

In college I worked for dining services, and was a really good worker in the dishroom. I sometimes would do the 4:30 to 7 shift -- early dinner -- a lot of putting away the last of the dishes run from lunch, and clearing the crap from trays of early eaters. We had a pretty big industrial dishwashing machine in there. It was a twenty-foot conveyer belt on which you could load the plates and stuff....two foot square racks for silverware...wire frames for drinking glasses...or you could also put giant roasting pans on there from the kitchen itself. Sort of like a big automatic car wash that you drive into.

There was a steady crew of 3-4 "townies" who worked full time in the dishroom, along with a crew of 2-3 students. My friend Brunel and I were working one night, along with the only young townie on the crew. A guy named Danny....probably about 20....maybe he finished high school, not even sure. He was an all right guy. Once we discussed the operations of the conveyer belt....could one ride it from beginning to end? Perhaps, if we turned off the spray hoses. Well, we talked Danny into going for a ride, and he certainly seemed up for it. He knew the machine itself better than we did, so he had turned off the spray hoses. He turned on the conveyer belt and crawled on.

So he's going along at the leisurely pace of the would take a minute or so, I guess from entering the washing tank to the exit. And he was fine, since the sprays weren't on. One problem, right at the end. He didn't turn off the water at the rinse bar. This was not only the last shot of water the dishes would get, but it was the hottest. I think we were told 180 degrees (F). So we hear him scream and start scurrying down the belt to get out of the tank. So he's not only soaking wet, he's burned. Second-degree burns, if I remember correctly. I think the top layer of skin was bright pink and peeling.

So sure enough, Danny was fired after that night. The funny part of the story was that there was a section outside the dishroom, where the line for students would form, where people could put "napkin notes" -- informal suggestions for specific cold cereal, or "fewer pot roast nights" or whatever. We thought it would be cute to put an anonymous note up there asking for Danny to be reinstated. A couple of days later our napkin note was responded to (right on the napkin, actually). Something to the effect of, the risk that our friend Danny posed to both himself, and the machinery, made it so that he would not be appointed back to his position.

And so we never saw him again. But the tale has lived on for years in what we'd call "dishroom lore." In the same way songs by Winger and the Cult were known as "dishroom music" for their popularity around 1989.


Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

OMG!!! Be thankful he didn't have me for a mother, after killing him, I'd be stalking you and your buddies for life..

Thing is, my eldest now has a very similar job. But I guess he's safe enough, no one he works alongside speaks a word of English (smile).

Keshi said...



Bart said...

I heard a funny story on the radio about a kid who, for some reason, saw either Collins or Genesis live, and came back from it flabbergasted that they covered a Disturbed song.

Moral of the story: kids are hideously culturally stupid.

Mega said...

In Too Deep- Best Collins/Genesis song ever? Mayhaps.

david mcmahon said...

I feel his pain. Maybe he got disenchanted/ dishenchanted with the job after that.

Brian, you asked me about the reflection of the white lights in a shot I posted Friday - they are the reflection of the pathway lights that can be spotted just below the halfway point of the picture .....

Merisi said...

This sounds like such a horrible scenario. I have goosebumps all over. How much of his body was burned? He must have been in terrible pain.
Sorry to say (I feel authorized, having 6 brothers), but guys come up with the most outragious games!
Two of my brothers once dared each other to walk all along the roof ridge of our house. Three stories high. Of course my mother came back home the moment both were dancing up there, arms outstretched. I forget how she reacted after the first shock.

Brian in Oxford said...

I remember Danny's girlfriend with him in the cafeteria after the was mostly his shoulders that got the worst of it.

Hey Bart, it could be worse. The guy could go to a Diana Ross concert and wondering she was covering a Phil Collins song...

My favorite Genesis tune is Abacab. No sign of it last night.

Carol, doesn't everyone in England speak English? Even if not clearly enough for us Yanks to figure out what's being said? :)

Suldog said...


Thanks for the shout-out. I just now found this story. It's a beauty.

Having once had second-degree burns on much of my body (really severe sunburn) I can empathize with your friend. Ouch!