Tuesday, September 04, 2007

practically fall

Okay, the equinox isn't upon is yet...so I'm leaving the sweaters packed away for now. One good thing about wearing sweaters in the fall is that it's less ironing to do. Shirts with nothing worn over them need to be ironed....anything under a sweater can be "as is".

Haven't gotten to see too much of the US Open....back in 1994, I had knee surgery and was laid up for a month, so I watched it every day, and so I usually watch at least one night every year, almost to say thanks to it for giving me something to do as a freakin' invalid that year. (I flew off an ATV and cracked open my patella upon landing....two stainless steel screws are still in there...yes I had a helmet on my head but I guess that wasn't the important spot....lastly, everyone who sees my scar wonders what ligament damage I had -- none, and also why the incision isn't straight -- it is, but the skin break from impact wasn't straight.) A couple of years ago I got tickets to a day session the first week in New York. First, ALWAYS buy the tickets ahead of time online, so you can save an hour in line. Second, if you have a softball playoff game later than night, try to leave early enough to get home. We saw almost a full match, and got to walk around, but we only got to enjoy about 2.5 hours. After the US Open, I convinced friends to drag me out mini-golfing, pretty much hopping around on one foot. And by late October, I was beating them at one-on-one basketball again.

We won the softball game in the 10th inning, and then won the division championship right after. The overall league/town championship is this Thursday.

My mother-in-law's chain saw was brought out to take down some dead trees in our front yard, but it only started up once. We had to call customer service to get a replacement user's manual emailed to us. Probably something stupid, but who knows. Anyways, this meant more work with an ax. The handle to the ax is now split a bit...it seems cedar trees have pretty hard wood. It's interesting enough to smell the cedar as I build up a pile of dead wood in the back of the house....cedar's supposed to be a moth repellent, no? So no moths in the yard then? Anyway, one tree is still suspended from the bittersweet vines above, so it's just kind of leaning in the yard. That's going to be a problem. Once most of the trees are down, I plan to rent a woodchipper or something and mulch them all up.

Flipped on the TV Saturday night to see the new Red Sox guy Clay Buchholz with a no-hitter through five. I would have kept it on, but since the Sox had gotten no-hit through 5 and 6 innings earlier in the week in New York, I just assumed Baltimore would have gotten a hit soon enough, too.


~**Dawn**~ said...

So are you kicking yourself for not watching? ;-)

david mcmahon said...

Did I ever tell you I used to be a tennis writer? It's not too late to start watching the tennis now!

Love your logic about shirts worn under sweaters!

Keshi said...

Brian there r so many yanks in town right now..secret service agnets of Mr.Bush walking down my usual streets in the city :)

I dun watch much Tennis unless there r some hunks to drool at.


Mega said...

Shirts worn under sweaters? Dude, I can totally pull that look off. I kid you not. I don't even look emo doing it.

Nice job in softball. Its a shame I never got the chance to be your team's ringer.

My favorite line is "my mother-in-law's chain saw...". Ha

Merisi said...

"it seems cedar trees have pretty hard wood" -
You are kidding, right? Got any cedar shingles on your roof? ;-)

Suldog said...

As a softball player for some 40+ years, I wish you luck in your upcoming championship! I never won one, at any level, in all my years of playing softball or baseball :-(

(It was still all good, of course...)

(By the way, you might find my softball blogs amusing/interesting/an utter waste of your time. Head on over to my place, scroll down and look for "The Entire Monday Softball Diary" on the left side of the page. It's all about this past season - my final season, ever.)

Brian in Oxford said...

The problem with it being "too late" to watch the tennis, David...is just that! My boss was in the MassMutual box seats last night, and they left after the second set during Roddick-Federer and he's still tired today. I gave up on the Nadal loss at midnight!

Please tell me Bush himself wouldn't count as a tennis hunk, Keshi...

I'm not talking dress shirts under the sweaters, Dan...more like half-turtlenecks or even long-sleeve Ts....the sweaters will need to be washed before fall, though.

david mcmahon said...

posting sumpin for you in the next few hours ....

Jenny! said...

Congrats on your win...good luck!

Merisi said...

Whaaaaaaaat? You did not wash the sweater before stashing them away? You sure there are still any left? Bon appetit, le moths, you know. *giggle*