Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What would happen if.... (9/26 edition)

...New Orleans or something got its own cable channel entitled "NO". A bit of a quirk, considering there's a cable channel called "YES" that shows New York Yankees games. Are you watching TV? Umm...yes and no.

Ever detect a weird smell and try to put it to something, then realize it makes no sense? Yesterday morning I opened the door to the stairwell at work and was grossed out. I thought to myself it smelled like...."old lady breath". I can't explain what it is, or why that phrase would come to mind upon the smell. Later in the day, I thought I smelled the combination of hair spray and again, who knows.

I used to think there was a simple chain among the candy bars 3 Musketeers, Milky Way, and Snickers. I assumed Milky Way was just 3 Musketeers plus caramel, while Snickers was Milky Way plus peanuts. The nougat's different in Snickers, though. Lighter in color. Also, the outside chocolate shell of a Milky Way is definitely thicker than it is for Snickers.

Let's say you're flying east to west, so that you almost get time to stand still for you -- at 4 pm you're in Los Angeles, and an hour later, you're a full time zone further west, so it's still 4 pm your local time in the sky. In theory you could probably get all the way around the world, if you fly fast enough (and at a narrow enough band around the earth -- maybe not LA, but perhaps Alaska). So, what happens if it's holy day. A Jewish guy in the office was out last week for Yom Kippur....I wondered if he'd gotten on a plane at sundown Friday and kept heading west, from the start of the international date line all the way around, then it would have been roughly Friday at 6 pm for 24 straight hours. Then he'd cross the date line at 5:59 pm Friday, and it would be Saturday at 6 pm. He never would have experienced Friday night at all, and so he wouldn't have to fast or whatever observations are undertaken.

Six of an item is often referred to as a half dozen.
I want 3 of something referred to as a "quarter dozen".
The New England Patriots have started the season with a quarter dozen wins.
Donuts, two dollars for a quarter dozen, $3.50 for a half dozen, $5.00 for a dozen.

Genesis was okay, but they obviously targeted their show last night to the long-time fans, rather than people who know of them from MTV like myself. Oh well....they were good, I just didn't recognize any of the ten-minute "progressive rock anthems".

There was an old saying that the "moral majority" was neither. I always liked to insist that "classic rock" was neither, as well -- just to piss off a friend for whom music stopped when he was in junior high school.


Tyler said...

RE: time zones/flying/Yom Kippur. So, you just discovered time travel? But you can only do it on Jewish Holidays? I'm confused.

Word Verification: mycoky

colleen said...

Lately I can't walk down a cheese aisle without thinking, this aisle smells like feet! Does that way it become a foot issue and not a cheese issue?

~**Dawn**~ said...

Dude... the Milky Ways, 3 Muskateers & Snickers never last long enough near me to be compared with such indepth analysis. I'd like to say I'll look more closely & be observant next time but... ::shrugs sheepishly::

Merisi said...

Oh, darn, I was reading "Milky Mouse". Hm. ??
Maybe you should try to order a quarter baker's dozen Milky Mice? Or would it be a quarter dozen baker's? I'm afraid I need a calculator. Or is there a baker in the house?

david mcmahon said...

Fascinated by your question (as a commenton my blog) about south on a map.

Okay, heading off to research it ...

Mega said...

I was telling Dawn earlier on how I jammed to Genesis this morning on the train.

Keshi said...

Im a Snickers eater..not a Snickers voyeur. ;-)


Brian in Oxford said...

I looked up Milky Mouse online, the only thing I saw was a t-shirt with a carton of milk where Mickey's head would be.

I don't equate cheese with feet. I like the phrase "it smells like either really bad meat, or really good cheese!"

Tyler, my inspiration for the thought was George Carlin's story about what do you do if you haven't done your Easter duty while on a ship at sea, and then you cross the International Date Line...could you get out of having sinned by crossing back over? I just had to try to adapt it to the old guy not being around last week.

For a while years ago I took to Baby Ruth bars as superior to Snickers, but I'm not on that side of the debate any more.