Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What's better?

Laughing at the phone ringing, because I'm not going to pick it up? Or rather, being pissed and giving the phone the finger while it rings?

Anyway, I've been swamped at work and I hate it.

We took the kids to Old Sturbridge Village just over the Mass. border from Connecticut over the weekend. It's a re-enactment of a New England village in the early 1800s. Farm animals, a blacksmith, a cooper (barrelmaker, apparently), a one-room schoolhouse, a meetinghouse, old school printshop (the guy there was a jerk when Erika pointed out the plasma TV on the wall for educational stuff, how it didn't seem so old-fashioned), so it's like a museum. History of lighting, dresswear, and guns from the era. Actually the corsets and guns were in the same building. Hmmm....

Closing up the pool. Added the chemicals, but the water level didn't drain fast enough before dark last night -- very that the pipes and stuff don't freeze and crack from expansion over the winter. If there's any daylight when I get home, I'll tie the cover on. (And work has me thinking about tying one on, of a different sort.)

TiVoed (This is a verb, even if you're using a generic digital video recorder, I suppose...) the Patriots on Sunday, watched it in an hour....every play, none of the crap in between. It saved me from some of the announcers' blah-blah-blah. Wow, Phil Simms sounds stupid in small sound bites. And of course, I overheard the score at my aunt's birthday party that afternoon. I was then told you're supposed to announce upon arriving, that you are taping the game for later, because it's not their fault for not knowing. Knowing the score probably saved me time, less to be worried about while watching the game in progress...

15 people in my suicide pool at work, and after one week, it's already down to 11. Seattle was a good pick, I suppose. Haven't looked at this week yet, though.

Anyone remember Bang Tango? I've got the Psycho Cafe album on MP3 playing now. I thought they were pretty good "back in the day" know, for what was essentially a hair band.


~**Dawn**~ said...

We went to Old Sturbridge Village once. It was July or August. I liked it but it was *hot*. I always wished we'd gone in September or October.

Dude. Phil Simms just sounds stupid every time his mouth opens. Doesn't matter how short or long the sound bite is.

david mcmahon said...

G'day G'day G'day,

You just reminded me of some blacksmith-and-anvil pictures I shot in Muskoka!

That Aussie Rules post you asked me about will be on my blog in ten minutes ....

Fascinated, too, by your QWERTY observation

Lemme know what you think of the post



david mcmahon said...

Done - it's called ....

No, I won't tell you what it's called, but you'll like the post title!

Keshi said...

** Or rather, being pissed and giving the phone the finger while it rings?

for sure! :)


Merisi said...

Are you telling us that those people forgot to hide the plasma TV in the fireplace???
Bunch of ... well, plasmaed out folks!
Hope you did get your money back!!! ;-)