Thursday, October 04, 2007

Spam by phone....

So I just got a call at work. Picked up, and a recording says my auto warranty has just expired. They've sent me warnings by mail all along. Please press one to continue. Uhhhh....yeah. I could tell it was a recording because she didn't react to me reciting "bite me, bite me, bite me" into the phone. How'd she even know I had a car?

I started playing Zelda -- Four Swords Adventures. This thing looks like something for the original 1986 Nintendo, not a Gamecube. Lame, and easy so far. We'll see how it goes. I think they just wanted to show off the fact that you *could* play it by hooking the Gamecube up to a GameBoy.

My beer is fermenting in the kitchen. Another week or two until bottling. There's a pain in the ass task -- rinsing out beer bottles to prep them. They get sanitized with a diluted chlorine rinse....just enough to kill anything in them. But when they've last been filled with unfiltered beer, sometimes there's hard-to-clean scum off the bottom. A bottle brush sorta works, but any bottles that are too hard to clean just get sent back for the deposit money. You have to remember to rinse the bottle out right after you finish the beer or pour it in a glass, generally, to eliminate the buildup.

October 15 is the last major deadline of the year in the world of 401(k) plans. And it's always the biggest clients that use every last day to finish off the 2006 reporting for the government.


Mega said...

In the healthcare industry, we're right before the storm known as "open enrollment", where you can change anything for the follow calendar year. This year, our clients gave us pricing changes- a week before it opens. Blast!

Keshi said...

**because she didn't react to me reciting "bite me, bite me, bite me" into the phone

LOL Brian!


Big D said...

A) What happens with 401(k) plans on the 15th?

B) Also in the healthcare industry, we're entering the phase known as "resident interviews", meaning I get to tour a bunch of snotty, stuck-up graduating medical students who think they're God's gift to practicing medicine through my center. At least I get to feel smarter than them in a couple months when they're whining about not knowing what the hell they're doing...

YesBut said...

If the phone rings between 5:00 to 5:30 pm, its 99.999% certain to be a "dead call" made from a Call Centre in India.

A computer does the dialling and if answered is transferred to Operator, during the transfer period there is a deathly silence before an Indian Gentleman or Lady gives you the good news that you can transfer your:gas, telephone or electricity provider. Get yourself a new credit card or life insurance policy.

Normally I have difficulty in understanding them, when I request them to repeat what they said (all be it with a Welsh accent) they invariably say "sorry I am not understanding you, the way you speak English".

I wonder if they understand my standard response to that comment!!(Not to be repeated here).

Anonymous said...

Cool that you make your own beer. I saw Alton Brown do that on the Food Network. It was interesting.

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

That brings me back (I feel a new post coming on). Some mis-guided twit, knowing me for the lush that I was at age 21, gifted me a starter "make-your-own-wine-kit" one Christmas. I was in a flatshare with four other girls at the time. I don't want to spoil the ending (I'm thinking of my future post here), but suffice to say, exploding wine bottles in an airing cupboard that is also being used to air out your flatmates "smalls", are not a good mix..

david mcmahon said...

You're so right about the bigest clients!

Brian in Oxford said...

October 15 is the deadline to file the annual return with the government for every 401(k)/pension plan for calendar year 2006. Plans with over 100 employees in it need an independent audit by a CPA all the big plans get theirs done between July 31 (the deadline if you don't file for extension....the deadline most small plans will file by without problems) and October 15. So the only ones I have left are big plans, really dinky plans that can't make up their mind on a contribution, and stupid deadbeat clients that sat on their data for several months.

Melissa said...

Oh....that's all our retirement/401(k) woman at work has talked about...October 15th. I know we always file for an extension every year. I don't know, but I would think with 1800 employees we wouldn't wait around, but we always seem too. I guess that's job security for you!