Thursday, November 08, 2007

It's like breaking up....

Neil Sedaka, right? I should know, all the car trips as a kid with my dad blasting the oldies station.

Anyways, I found it interesting in that I've had a couple of major break-ups this week.

First, it was time to tell my dentist from the last ten years that his office is too far away to keep going to him. I mean really, 60 was one thing when I lived in various towns no more than 10 miles away. Besides, this is the guy that's found cavities. I had one dentist for the first 20+ years, and never had any teeth issues. With this guy....had my wisdom teeth pulled, and two fillings (and maybe a third, but he left it as a "watch" on my records for whoever I transfer to). An amusing story, I saved the wisdom teeth after the specialist he sent me to pulled them, and 2 years later (when I'd remembered to bring them), this dentist was able to not only identify which tooth came from where, he could point out where some decay had started that was the cause of the whole "you should have these pulled" conversation.

Okay, breakup number two. My job. I waited and waited six months at a time for my boss to replace my assistant. So now he has to replace two employees. Which were his only employees. So good luck with that, I'm going on to a bigger company. On the bright side, he can't exactly show me the door and be completely unstaffed for 3 weeks....there's some leverage. I even rejected an offer of a pay raise and the possibility of working from home to avoid the God-awful commute on I-95. (I actually don't believe the telecommuting one....he's got lots of "ideas" that never amount to anything. It took me 3 years to get business cards. And I've been waiting since month 1 for him to buy the required server upgrade so that we're not 2-3 versions behind on our software.) I guess that's what happens when you have a bunch of businesses and you consider one of them to be an afterthought....

I'm not big on "let's compare the stress between the break-ups" but some people might make that into a college psych paper....good luck with that.

On a completely unrelated note, my favorite teams are probably better than your favorite teams. Therefore, logically, I must be a better person than any of you, huh?

Slow-roasting a chicken all day in the Crock-Pot "BBQ Pit" thing on the counter. That's dinner, and there's peanut butter cheesecake for dessert.


BLUE said...

so you think that the reason you have cavities is because you changed dentists? umm...maybe it's because as you get older the outer protection on your teeth gets worn down making you more susceptible to a cavity. So it's perfectly reasonable that you wouldn't have a cavity for the first 30 years of your life, then start getting them, no matter what you do cleaning wise. It's not the dentist's anti-dentite.

colleen said...

Once I cried big fat baby tears in a State Farm agent’s office when they dropped my policy. Not a proud moment. I had been with them for years, I was devastated.

Best wishes on your transitions.

~**Dawn**~ said...

Your teams are not better than *my* teams!! =P

::returns to bemoaning the fact that the Sox still have not signed Mike Lowell::

Mega said...

And your favorite teams are more hated than my favorite teams, or any New York teams for that matter. Ha!

(Oh and its not like the country hates success- they hate the arrogance of Brady and the Nation, ha again)

If you need a shoulder to cry on while "Unbreak my heart" is blasting in the background, I'm here for you man.

YesBut said...

Good luck with the new job.

Your cheescake is far far better than my cheesecake - now can I have a piece (please).

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Hey, I love my new dentist, he's free (NHS) and NEVER finds anything wrong with my teeth. Err, you don't think the two might be related by any chance?

My last dentist always cost me a fortune, but oh boy, the work she could find..

Nichole M said...

Good luck with the new job. *And* the new dentist. What time is dinner? I'm comin' over. Well, mainly for the cheesecake, but the chicken sounds good too. ;-)

Brian in Oxford said...

Dan, the worst part of mentioning "unbreak my heart" is that the only version I know of it is the one from the identity-theft commercial. Wasn't that a fat black guy singing it?

Merisi said...

Good luck with your new job! I never once regretted quitting a job, only not having done it earlier, so kudoos for you! :-)

You broke my heart by mentioning peanut butter cheesecake. Wonder if my dentist could fix it.

I found my new dentist here in Vienna by accident. When I showed up for an early Monday morning appointment, the annointed one told me she could not receive me because burglars had stolen all her equipment over the weekend. There's a dentist upstairs who would take me on, she offered. That guy turned out to be really nice and I'll stay with him (he's actually dentist no. 3 in my two years here in Vienna, my first one was basically digging for money and charged outragiously high rates for cleaning when he couldn't find anything to really dig in).

david mcmahon said...

My kids reckon I had my wisdom teeth pulled long ago.

Is there some subtle inference there that I've missed?

You're a Dad - you can break the ness gently to me!!!