Wednesday, December 26, 2007

nope, not dead

hellllloooooo everybod-eeeee!
(sorta like Christopher Mad Dog Russo on the radio...)

anyways, what the hell have I been doing in neglect of the old blog.

Let's see. Beer Review: Sam Adams 12-pack for Christmas. Let's just say this about the cranberry lambic. I love beer and hate cranberries. My wife loves cranberries and hates beer. We BOTH hated this one. Luckily, their idea of a 12-pack is only two bottles each of 6 different kinds. Unfortunately, what we'll call "plain" Sam Adams shouldn't count as one, but it does. Not that Sam is bad, but if I wanted plain Sam, I coulda bought a 6 or 12 of that by itself. The best in the bunch was "Old Fezziwig Ale", a medium-dark offering.

My family does a Yankee swap every year, and we're required to home-make the gifts. If I'd been smart, I'd have saved a 12-pack of my own award winning beer and just put a bow on it. Instead, I went for a ginger-flavored cheesecake with a crust made from gingerbread cookies. Not too bad, but because I wanted a disposable container for it, I bought a cheap foil pan at the store, and the cheesecake cracked. So I put an "IOU" with the gift of 12 of my NEXT beer. Which I tried to cover up the fact that it doesn't exist yet. Anyway, mom ended up with the cheesecake and served it after dinner Christmas Eve. I have amused my daughter into suggesting we call it a "Red Sox Swap" instead.

Mom gave me a gift card for Dick's Sporting Goods, to get a new backboard and rim for the yard. We were going to have our driveway paved, but didn't have any funds available for the project. So it may wait, unless I want to play on crushed stone. Might not be so bad, especially since when I was 8 I shot at a rim bolted onto an oak backboard at all. (That was actually rectified only a few weeks later.) Anyway, the lesson here, is that Dick's website address is the FULL, for reasons that may or may not be obvious unless you try to guess, um, something different.

Work is pretty good. My new job has already had 2 Christmas parties (one luncheon, and then drinks after work the next night), and I got a couple of presents from the establishment there. Follow that up with two straight three-day workweeks. Of course, the obvious lack of bonus that comes with switching jobs in December sucks.

My wife's cat pees as I type. At least it sounds like pee. This morning I got to hear the diarrhea squirting out of her ass in the litterbox. Yup, it's pee this time.

The Patriots are 15-0. I fear they shall lose in the playoffs, however. They're definitely not a cold weather offense. Oh, and lest I forget to thank Mr. Brady for the clunker that got me eliminated from my fantasy football playoffs. Never mind finishing 13-3 when nobody else was more than 11-5. I lost the wrong week.

We have an electric pump to drain water that settles on our pool cover through a garden hose. However, it's currently submerged in ice. Oops. We need one of those three-day stretches of temperatures around 50 or something. The cover's starting to get pretty weighed down.

Tomorrow I see the doctor for the results of my MRI. I hope I don't have to become right-handed for a couple of years to let my shoulder heal or whatever....


Mega said...

Does this mean you'll be schooling your kids at hoops and bragging on how you can dunk without mentioning you had the rim at 7 feet?

I smell dunk contest coming.

Nichole M said...

Cat diarrhea? Oh man... As long as it's in the cat box, it's got to be better than cat yack on my comforter, which happened around 5am this morning. :-P We got rid of the runny nose with the antibiotics but are still battling random yackings. Oh well. Time to call the vet for more reglan, I suppose. :-P

Merry Christmas!

Jenny! said...

Merry Christmas!

~**Dawn**~ said...

My dad once got a holiday ale that was so gross, he actually poured it down the drain. After that, our kitchen sink worked *awesome*. He saved the remaining five to use in lieu of Drano. =P

YesBut said...

Happy New Year to you & yours

Tommy Lee said...

I don't get this."Let's just say this about the cranberry lambic." Could you please enlighten me on this? I keep following all your posts hope you can regularly post more. I get very useful information here. Thanks for having this.

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