Thursday, January 31, 2008

Super Bowl's a-comin...


I hate the phrase "The Big Game". I realize that "Super Bowl" is trademarked and may not be used commercially. ESPN's Tuesday Morning Quarterback column mentions how the NFL thought about trying to trademark The Big Game. Why is it that NOBODY just refers to it as the NFL championship game?

I gave in to one of my guilty pleasures tonight. I bought a 30-pack of Red Dog. This stuff is pissy American beer, and only $11.99 for the 30-pack, too. And yet, when I need to buy cheap beer, it's what I get every time. Even if that's only once or twice a year, as I switch gears from the "good beer" I tend to purchase.

I'll be making ribs. I often do chicken wings, but I want to stay away from too much stuff fried. Leaves more room for Red Dog. (ha....)

I predict 41-13 for the final score, Patriots over Giants. This will mean NOTHING unless I'm right. But if I am successful in pulling these numbers out of my butt, then hey, it's here in print before the game.

Lost is back on tonight. I like the idea of watching that! And hey, if the writers' strike limits them to only 8 episodes this year, then that means the last 40 episodes will be more compactly aired in just a 2-year window in future seasons, right?

Of course, as much as I like Lost, it's really only my second-favorite show titled Lost, ever. Back before 9/11, NBC started showing a reality show where three pairs of people got blindfolded and flown somewhere. First ones back to New York win. They could walkie-talkie with the producers with fancy phones, and if they guessed where they were, they'd get some cash that was in a safe in their backpacks. They were in Mongolia, of all places. The best was the team that called up and guessed they were in Czechoslovakia. Um, not a country any more, guys....try again. Anyways, the show was getting really good, when 9/11 hit, and all shows were pre-empted for like 3 weeks of news coverage, and so they edited the last 4-5 shows down to 2 hours and it wasn't as good and eventually faded from memory.


~**Dawn**~ said...

I get so sick of all the Super Bowl hype that they ram down our throats for two weeks that I honestly don't watch any pre-pre-pre-game coverage.

Mega said...

"Cheap" beer for me is MGD. Yeah, I know, its bad, but its what I like.

Patriots 48 Giants 17

Oh and ribs are excellent if you marinate them in red wine and pineapple overnight.