Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Two things run counter to intuition....Here goes:

1. There are 3 places in the town where my softball league plays. A big park with lights on the field, a smaller area in the middle of nowhere, and two fields at the high school. So what's the only place where they don't monitor to prevent us from being able to drink beer after a game? The high school, of course!

2. A lot of times when people have allergies, conditioned air is the best way to reduce the threat of the allergens. (Like, don't open a window to invite hay fever, as an example, I suppose.) We had a guest cat over this weekend in our basement, and I think the air conditioning system in the house actually circulated more allergens to me. I sneezed horribly for a couple of days, and my vocal chords are actually a bit shot and need rest. Point is, had we just opened windows in the house instead, I'd probably have been fine.


Mega said...

What a bunch of buzzkills. Here's what you do: soak your clothes in the beer then suck it out during the game. Fun fun!

i beati said...

Oh so you are going to make me think today

Nichole M said...

Turns out one of our cats is actually *allergic* to the air conditioning! It was really hot one night and I turned it *way* down. And the her nose got so snotty she woke us up. A few more nights of that bought her a trip to the vet. Now she's on an immune booster and half a claritin. Poof! All better.