Friday, December 26, 2008

DWI checkpoint

Bad idea maybe?

I was driving home from Midnight Mass....thought about whether or not any DWI checkpoints would be going on. Would "Police Navidad!!" be the wrong way to greet an officer?

More strange was that only 608 hits came up on Google for the phrase "Police Navidad"....I can't possibly be one of the first to invent this phrase, can I?

Anyways, no drinking was actually involved, and the fog caused by a foot of snow warming to 50 degrees in the rain should have scared actual drunks off the road....


~**Dawn**~ said...

Do drunks actually get scared of anything? I thought that was half the problem is that they had a misaligned sense of reality...?

Mega said...

They had one of those by my place recently. And you should totally say that to a cop.

Suldog said...

"Police Navidad!"

I would SO get a trademark or copyright or something on that.

DWBudd said...

No actual drinking was involved? Has your parish done away with the "Blood of Christ" portion of the eucharist?"