Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I have no memorabilia

So the DanWagon is discussing sports memorabilia we've collected over the years. Being a rather prudent spender, I've got none. I did have some Marian Hossa bobbleheads I gave the girls after a trip to Ottawa back in 2001, but I'm sure my ex-wife has long since thrown them out. Heck, he plays for Atlanta now anyways.

The closest I ever got to something from a game was at a Pawtucket Red Sox game back when I was like 12. I was using the scorecard in the program to keep score, and asked my dad to fill in for me while I had to go to the bathroom. When I came back, he'd started doing the 3rd inning, but filled it in under the 2nd inning's column, right where the last batter had left off. So I was in the process of erasing and moving the scorekeeping into the right column, when a foul ball came back over our heads. It hit the old wooden overhang -- I know McCoy Stadium has been renovated, but this was back around '83 or '84 -- and dropped straight down onto the wooden seat next to me and bounced away. I only barely noticed it out of the corner of my eye as it flew away another 20 feet to be gobbled up by someone else. And that's as close as I've ever come. I will go to minor league games with no more than 1000 people in the stands, and I still can't get a ball. And now I'm getting to the age where if I do get one, I'll feel guilted into handing it over to a 5-year-old with a glove. I say, I gotta get myself one first, and then any subsequent ones can be turned over to snot-faced tykes!


Mega said...

If its your first one there is no need in handing it over.

I've gotten a few myself.

~**Dawn**~ said...

i have an old program from the New Britain Red Sox that has a Jeff Bagwell autograph in it, by his photo on the roster page.

almost got a foul ball when Daniel & i attended a Sox/Rays game last August. came screaming right at me, but Daniel shielded me as best he could & by the time it bounced off of his hands & my head, someone else had snatched it up. Rays security was on top of me in about half a second, making sure i was ok, which i was, but i wanted that ball!

david mcmahon said...

G'day Brian,

Almost 6am on a beautiful crisp winter Wednesday morning here in Melbourne.

Gotta say - I love the moniker Down Under David DUD. Am going to mention it on my own blog shortly, in a post about you.

Check it out in about 15 minutes!



Brian in Oxford said...

Well, that puts the time difference at 14 hours, as it approaches 4 pm here.

What's the temperature in winter over there? And don't worry, I can do the whole "multiply by 1.8 and add 32" thing to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit!

david mcmahon said...

Hi Brian,

Yep, 14 hours it is indeed. Temperature? Five degrees yesterday morning, six today. Beautiful sunny days, not like a European winter.

Will post a shot for you later this arvo (that's Aussie-speak for afternoon).

Very impressed that you can convert from C to F - I thought I was the only person who could do it! There goes my last Great Illusion!

By the way, the post is up, in your honour .....



ozlady said...

Came here via DUD's site (love it!!)

You don't have to hand the ball over. Everyone's entitled to one piece of memorabilia, if they want it.

I don't.

Sportsmen's balls don't interest me!

Bart said...

I have quite a few bobbleheads, and somewhere I have a Baltimore Colts pennant that my father gave me when I was a baby before they broke his heart, but that's about it.

Jenny! said...

When you finally get to catch a ball (and you will...trust me, I know these things) hold the ball real tight and start thrashing around screaming it's mine, mine, mine...the kids will be too scared to you make you feel guilty!