Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I had to post this...

I left this as a comment on my last entry, but I want it more prominently displayed, because I feel kinda smart for asking it. It's a take-off on an old George Carlin bit, and he probably didn't invent the original question either....


Can God create a kidney stone so big that even He can't pass it?

Thanks, and remember to tip your server generously. I'll be here all week, followed by two nights at Chuckles in St. Louis next month.


Jenny! said...

You are too cute! Posting your comments as a post!

Merisi said...

Red Sox Fan! *yesh*
First one I meet since I moved to Vienna (at first I was wondering, how that fit together with Oxford, but by now I got the full picture *g*).
Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog! I am trying to get ready for a little weekend trip to the Salzburg lake region, but when I come back, I shall read more of your blog.
Have a great weekend!
(St. Louis? Have family there right now, summer school).