Friday, September 28, 2007

Ten Beatles Favorites

I've got iTunes here at work, and I successfully took all my tapes and converted them to MP3 by running wires from my tape recorder to the sound in port on my Mac. So I've got a folder that's all Beatles stuff. I grew up with the American albums, so I once entered "Beatles '65" as my favorite album in an online poll, and was told not to choose American versions! Anyways, so I've got twelve minute "songs" that represent entire album sides. I can't pick out "Michelle" at random, I've got to open up "Rubber Soul Side 1" and then scan for it. The only changes I did were if, the tape didn't have the same song sequence as the record. I grew up with my dad's records, so I subconsciously always have a certain "next song" queued up when one finishes. Well, on the tapes, Capitol was concerned with keeping the side lengths approximately equal. So on Abbey Road, for instance, Come Together is on side 2 instead of Here Comes the Sun. I took the time to splice anything like that I could think of apart, and re-sequenced them "properly". (Of course that's in quotation marks, since all the pre-Sgt. Pepper's stuff was packaged so differently for the US.)

In any event, I think that everybody probably likes at least one song by the band. Even if you don't like them in general, for most people you can find *something* they'll like. I bought a book called The Complete Beatles Scores, which spells out every song, every instrument, as close to the albums as they could come up with. Try playing keyboard parts to Revolution 9 and see who notices.

Anyways, I tend not to like the "obvious" songs by my favorite groups anyways, and the Beatles are no exception. These 10 are probably my favorites:

Tomorrow Never Knows
Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except for Me and My Monkey
Sgt. Pepper's....(Reprise) -- at the end of the album before A Day in the Life
The End
I'm Looking Through You
Helter Skelter
I Me Mine
Things We Said Today
I Wanna Be Your Man (gotta pick a Ringo song, huh?)

So the real question is, which will vary with commenters' ages....who know all of these songs?


Colleen said...

Brian- I love I'm Looking Through You and I Me Mine. Sometimes I feel like my life is all 'I Me Mine' and I sing the song to my self in order to knock it off and remember the world does not revolve around me. Although, being single (so far) I gotta give myself a little grace and remember, that there ain't actually no one immediate to attend to...except for I Me Mine!! HEE HEE. Oh and "...Me and My Monkey", I totally don't get those lyrics. Humph.

Jenny! said...

I know all of those songs actually...but Helter Skelter is a goody!

Anonymous said...

My favs: Across the Universe & Come Together.

Suldog said...

Well, I know all of them, but I'm getting to be an old geezewr now (50) so that's somewhat to be expected.

My personal fave is "A Day In The Life."

Keshi said...

The Beatles is a band I love!

My top fav from them is 'Yesterday'....


YesBut said...

I wonder if the opinion of the way the Beatles are thought about differ between generations?

I was a teen when the Beatles hit the seen, and consequently have secondary thoughts and images of the time, have a nostalgia which adds to my appreciation of the groups music, compared to younger fans.

Merisi said...

I would have to listen to the songs, to be sure I know all of them, because I don't know most of the titles.
Never shall I forget the day when I as a little girl and riding the bike and some boy shouted "Hey, Lady Madonna!". Had no idea what the song was about (I am sure the boy had no idea either), but it felt like a compliment, after all it was a Beatles song. Made me feel like a princess. :-)

Brian in Oxford said...

Points for chewy, for picking songs that aren't the typical choices!

(And good-natured razzing towards suldog and keshi!)