Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Beer Review

Here's a good use of the blog....

Roxy Rolles. Made by Magic Hat in Vermont. I normally hate Magic Hat....especially their signature "Number 9" beer. But this one is actually pretty good. Full bodied "foretaste"....oh yeah, a couple of times I've had a 365 beers calendar, and they'd have such flowery descriptions using goofy descriptions like that. So then the hops take over at "midbottle" and I'm left with a slightly bitter aftertaste.

My grade: B


david mcmahon said...

Come to Australia, head up to the Northern Territory and try a Darwin stubby.

Could take you a while!!!

Brian in Oxford said...

A stubby? Doesn't sound too manly to me....

Is that a reference to the bottle's shape?

Mega said...

Its probably a little trendy but Sam Adams Winter Lager is delicious.

Suldog said...

Beer is so subjective. I've always enjoyed Anchor Steam, but others don't care for it sometimes. I had a friend who became rapturous over Old Milwaukee, which is one of the nastiest brews I've ever had the misfortune of tasting.

De Gustibus Non Est Disputadum, as my grandfather used to say every time he put the make on the cleaning lady.

Bart said...

Are you dead, or did you just run dry, like I did?