Wednesday, April 02, 2008

It's a labRum, dad....

Apparently Dad thought I had torn something else....even though I do have a left and right labrum. (Hint: replace the R with an I, and you get a girl part!)

Anyways....ya know how they tell you to count back from 100 for anesthesia, and you never get even to 98? Well, I started counting back at 100 a little at a time when I got to the hospital during the 2.5 hours of check-in and prep. By 9 am I was down to about 11. While wheeling me down the hall to the OR, I did 5-4-3-2....they told me to wait, none of that counts yet. So what happens? they knock me out in the operating room without telling me, so I never did get down to 1. Oh well.

Turns out I'm allergic to reglan, an anti-vomiting medicine they tried to give me in my IV so that the anesthesia wouldn't make me puke when I woke up. I got ridiculously itchy and weak-feeling, like my butt cheeks were infested with ants. Not fun.

Other than that, I've been okay. Percocets are the painkiller of choice. Physical therapy starts Friday. Pain has been intermittent. However, it's been a bitch being in a sling for stuff like typing, writing up reports right-handed....and tonight I had the labor of transferring 5 gallons of beer from one vat to a glass carboy.

And no driving until next week. Ho would be great for the drinkfest planned after work tomorrow, except they say that alcohol and high concentrations of acetaminophen (as in Percocet or Tylenol 3) will practically make your liver dissolve inside your body. So I get to play it dry, if not loopy from the medicine. What better way to celebrate the 30-year anniversary for a woman at work, who's a big Brett Favre fan, than to get doped up on painkillers, right?


david mcmahon said...

You look after yourself (and the ant-bite butt cheeks)

Or else I'll have to come round and put some Hop Devil in your intravenous line!!

Merisi said...

Oh Brian,
you'd do anything to get an interesting post, wouldn't you? ;-)
Seriously, I hope you get well through the week even though it's going to be tough. No more juggling gallons of beer though, remember the fumes alone could kill you!!!!

Merisi said...

Oh my goodness, Brian,
I see that you linked me (via handcuffs or else????). Very cute that Österreich there. ;-) Thank you.
I really do hope you get well as fast as possibly, btw.!!! (I don't expect you to publish this!)

Suldog said...

I'm partial to percs for pain myself, and even when I'm not in pain. Do be careful with them. As you already know, so perhaps no need for the warning, but more than 8 of them (considering the standard, what is it 325 mg. acetaminophen?) in a 24-hour period WILL cause liver damage.

Cath said...

Over from David's but been here before!
Look after yourself. And hope the cheeks improve. Ugh. Ants. Ugh!

~**Dawn**~ said...

I was giggling all the way through this post with the imagery you were using. Especially the part about the ants. But that part about my Favre? That was just wrong. =P

Mega said...

LOL at the Favre comment. Get better dude. You gotta be able to lift that beer someday again.