Monday, July 28, 2008

Don't lick the shiny salt

Cute tale from one of my new clients, a salt mine in New York. Apparently a miner was sitting on a bench having lunch while a tour of the mine went through a quarter-mile below the surface. A little old lady was enraptured by a shiny hunk of salt emanating from the wall of dirt, so she went over to lick it. She claimed, yup, tastes like salt. Apparently the salt rock was shiny because it had been recently peed on -- the stream must have eroded some of the peripheral dirt....

So we have a new phrase to accompany "don't eat the yellow snow"....


i beati said...

like this one hahah

Suldog said...

You mean miners are peeing on our table salt, even as we speak? Yuck!

Brian in Oxford said...

Nah, it's road salt only. Too many "impurities"

Mega said...

Don't lick shiny salt.

If it shines, smoke it instead!

Nichole M said...


ArtSparker said...

Salt, koolaid. I like the battle of colors from this post to the one that follows.

Bagia said...


your blog IS funny!

i'll link it to mine, if that's ok with u.