Friday, April 20, 2007

foam alert

Okay, I cracked open a homemade beer, and the foam wasted half of it and made a big mess. I do believe the foaming calms down after a few weeks, so I shouldn't be tempted to jump the gun like that.

Yesterday was the first day of spring, as far as I'm concerned. Now it's warm (65-70?) today and sunny, too. wow.

I found a dead mouse in my hockey bag. I think it came from Erika's old garage before we moved. Oh my did my gear smell. It was too wet from the melting snow on the garage floor from a few weeks ago to wear, so some of it is being laundered, while the bigger stuff (pants, shin guards) will be hosed down and pumped full of febreze this weekend. This explains the chewed skate laces.

The wife likes her burgers well done, and it's cost me the timing on my own medium burgers when she doesn't eat with me. I've overcooked 2 in a row, although last night's only by a couple of minutes.

Some day I may play with the template on this blog. The white background and crappy font suck. I like Arial, among the major fonts. My old Mac Plus in college had lots of great fonts, including one that looked like overplayed stereotypical lefty printing (reverse slant to the letters). I had a left-handed professor, so I handed in a paper with that font to her once. Slight amusement, I believe.

1 comment:

~**Dawn**~ said...

ew. dead mice smell. we get them at work often enough that i know this to be true.

dressing up your template isn't too difficult! i play around with mine all the time!