Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The perfect complement?

So, remember that David Lee Roth video where the really fat guy offers advice to the up-and-coming singers? "Try the Quad Burger at Irv's...."

I thought of this as I mixed two beers together last night. Sam Adams Double Bock, which is strong and very "brown". And Smithtown Brewing's Double White Ale, which is extra-spicy and pale. Neither beer was terrific on its own, but mixed together, a worthy experiment. In any event, that would be a double-double, or a quad, of some sorts.

I drank it while watching American Idol with Erika. Egads, I sorta like that show now, and I *never* used to watch it. Also fun to try to play piano along with the band. Our piano needs tuning pretty soon. It was last done last summer, and although it's not as bad as it was then, it still could use the proverbial (and literal) tune-up.

1 comment:

~**Dawn**~ said...

nothing to do with your blog entry. just noticed your side bar. LOL! i think you can leave it. or "The Women of RSN." just no references to pink please! pink is what happens to Dan Mega's Sox if you wash them with our Sox. ;-)