Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What would happen if.... (7/18 edition) of baseball who gripe about the designated hitter were instead treated to this: the person put in the lineup to hit for the pitcher, also had to stand right behind the mound and FIELD for the pitcher, too? That way, the pitcher doesn't have to worry about covering first base or backing up behind home -- this new fielder would stand right behind the pitcher and take on ALL fielding duties as soon as the pitch as thrown. That also stops old lousy fielders from playing "half the game", as DHs are accused of.

On my way in to work today, one of Connecticut's Department of Transportation's portable electronic signs on the side of Route 8 in the Shelton area warned of Slow Moving Vehicals. WHAT?!!!!! You see, my web browser even underlines Vehicals as a misspelled word. Good grief!

When I was a kid, the only non-peanut butter sandwich type I would eat was: American cheese with ketchup. I was mocked often by older cousins. Looking back, it's like a burger without the ground beef in it, though. And yet, I have no interest in eating such a sandwich any more, and it's probably been 25 years since my last one.

I work in a building with offices on floors 2 to 5, and parking on the ground floor and basement. I work on the top floor. I will take the elevator when it's resting on G when I walk in....but really, to walk up 4 flights of stairs, is quicker than waiting for the elevator to come to my floo

DAMN! I'm mid-Webex and the presenter keeps taking her window to the front of my screen!

As I was saying, why wait for the elevator to come to G, and then ride it up to 5? Or worse, sharing the elevator to stop at 3 and then 5. Walking is faster for that few a number of floors to travel along. The worst is when I got on alone, someone doing maintenance called for the elevator at 3, rode it to 4. At that point *I* got off because it's faster to walk the last floor than wait for the doors to close and ride up to 5. There's a "door close" button inside, but it never makes the doors close quicker. It's a tease!

When my brother was a kid, he used to ask for chewing tobacco on his list to Santa. Carlton Fisk of the Red Sox used to do Copenhagen ads. Needless to say, Santa didn't come through. (Yes, Dan Mega, Fisk played for the Red Sox long, long, ago....)

During this WebEx, the presenter is displaying her Internet Explorer window, and her Yahoo! Toolbar says she's got one new email. Should I bug her to remind her to check her email? :)

Nerf Herder was a band who did a song called "Van Halen", a cute little ditty about how they went to hell with all their infighting. I think Van Halen should do a song and call it Nerf Herder...maybe tell them to mind their own business! Actually, I've BEEN waiting for Madonna to do a song called "Lady Beatle". See what I'm going for? Not like rap feuds, but more amusing ditties.


Mega said...

Dude I knew Fisk played for Boston! Had the White Sox not been such huge jerks in cutting him in the twilight of his career, he would have gone into the Hall with a White Sox cap on. Thanks Jerry Reinsdorf...

I look forward to your Wednesday posts dude. I thought about doing something similar but decided against it.

Brian in Oxford said...

Back in college I used to post weekly "Random thoughts" on

Do they even still do those newsgroups things?

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Oh, I thought you were from Oxford, England! Anyways, only girlies play baseball here; it's called "rounders".. (oops, sorry - I should be more polite on my first visit here, shouldn't I?)

Elavators are called "lifts" over this way, but they all sound to be equally as slow.

Brian in Oxford said...

I've read about how baseball "descended" from Rounders. But the way the baseball history books made it sound, it was as though Rounders was some game from 200 years ago that died out. I didn't realize there was a vibrant Rounders community still in Britain.

"Lifts" in the USA refers to something short people put in their shoes....or wrinkly people get for their faces! :)

Bart said...

That Nerf Herder song is freakin' hilarious. Is this what you wanted, Sammy Hagar? NH is also known for doing the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV theme song.

And tell Carol to eff off about that Rounders crap. I think she said the same thing to me. :) Rounders is like a dumbed down softball.

Brian in Oxford said...

Damn! Now I need to look online to find the rules for rounders, see if it's as girlie as advertised!

Jenny! said...

Gross, ketchup and cheese sandwich! It is like a vegetarian cheesburger! My son eats ketchup using a spoon and constantly smells like ketchup, you can't get that smell out! That is better thant what my dad eats...mayo, relish and liverwerst! F'ing sick!

Brian in Oxford said...

well, hold on, there, Jenny...

my wife still eats peanut butter, banana, and mayonnaise. Apparently she and her sister were trying to gross out their pregnant stepmom as kids....only my wife ended up liking it after all.

Jenny! said...

Oh, hell no! That is so gross!

~**Dawn**~ said...

I have to say that MDC did a good job remembering he needed to cover home last night when that WMP throw from RF went way off the mark. Saved a run from scoring. Not that it helped in the end.

Let's hear it for pitchers that know how to field the ball too!

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

I've just noticed, you have a tartan Scots tatto, so you say. I'm Scots! Which tartan clan is it?? (Pictures please..)

david mcmahon said...

Oi, all ye Scots and Sassanachs,

Dinna leave me out of it, ye ken? I'm the Aussie raised in India, with a UN-related genetic cocktail inside me. Indian, part Irish, part Scot, part French, part English.

You just back off, play the bagpipes and let Shrink and me get the sporrans on and lead you out in a Sco''ish reel.

Hoots, laddie


Big D said...

Late to the party, but had to add 2 things:

First, I too enjoy the American Cheese with Ketchup/Mustard/Both on a roll or bread. That was a hangover staple in college - my body couldn't handle ground beef after injesting 15 or so drinks.

Also, on the public misspelling - before I moved to Pittsburgh I used to pass through a nice small Massachusetts town on my way to work everyday called Rehoboth. There was a General Store there that had a sign in front on the main road that advertised "We sell scented candals". It should be noted that Rehoboth is The Birthplace of American Public Education. Thought that was worth a comment.

Brian in Oxford said...

perhaps they're part-candle, part sandal!

I've been to mom's family is from Pawtucket, so an old guy took my brother and I for a tour around there one day. My favorite is Seekonk, I always make a donkey noise when I see the sign for that.