Friday, June 01, 2007

random variance

So, I follow up an 0-3 with a 3-3....each game featuring a sacrifice fly in the 1st inning. Yeah, that's a cheap way to not hurt your batting average and get an RBI. We won our men's game Wed. 11-5 and co-ed game last night 22-4. We also had 3 new women come to fill Erika's roster spot. There's nothing worse than not being in the field for a softball game, or having a 12-person batting lineup. At least I didn't have to sit -- maybe my inning off would have been one that was wiped out by our mercy rule win -- we didn't play the 6th and 7th innings. The random variance comes into play both with my batting lines, and the number of women apparently showing up for our game.

Men's league in Oxford: We're 2-1. I'm 7 for 12 with 5 runs scored and 1 RBI. (Yes, that's 7 hits out of the #3 spot in the lineup with no RBI other than the sac fly.)

Co-ed league in Trumbull: We're 3-0. I'm 7 for 10 with 7 runs scored and 5 RBI.

All singles so far, though. Eek, gotta cycle up for the summer! (That's steroid talk, so I hear.)

I've gotten smarter, and now I keep a list of good ideas at my desk here at work to save for my "what would happen if..." column on Wednesdays. I wonder if my cell phone has a voice recorder in it for notes-to-self. It should, it's got all sorts of stuff I haven't figured out yet.

Also, Erika and I have narrowed down our campsite destinations for 4 nights in Vermont in a couple of weeks. Cheap and easy, that's the way to take a vacation. Or, save money on lodging, only to spend it at small shops all over. We'll see.


Jenny! said...

Oh, camping...that makes me want to run to the salon and get a massage! Just kidding...not really!

Glad you one the game! It's always better to be on the winning side!

Mega said...

Brian- my stats through 5 games of 12" softball:

Avg: .650
HR: 6
RBI: 18
BB: 4
1 sac bunt and 1 sac fly

We have 5 games to go and we just finished playing the lousy teams. Expect my status to even out now that we face some real tossers.

No errors at 3B too! But my glove did break last game. I have to use a new one tonight. Sucks...

david mcmahon said...

G'day Brian (and hey, Dan Mega)

Been meaning to visit your site since you left the comment on mine - when you said ``I like the way you post from the future, while some of us Americans are finishing up Tuesday's workday!''

Been abusy week, but here I am. Oh, and by the way, it's ten minutes to midday on a sunny Sunday winter afternoon - while of course it's Saturday evening/ night for you.

You'll have to teach me about US sport! I used to be a sports writer, but basically covered cricket and tennis around the world.

Now that was a dream job for sure!



Brian in Oxford said...

Hi David

It's midday on an overcast Sunday almost-summer afternoon here. (Obviously 15 hours later or so....)

But it's warm.

Sports writing seems like such an awesome job -- unless you have to follow the teams day after day. The columnists that get to sit on the couch and just watch games and do commentary -- now there's easy money!

david mcmahon said...

Hi Brian,

I hear you loud and clear.

When I was a rookie tennis journalist covering Wimbledon for the first time, I used to be first into the media room at 9am and last out at 11pm - and was amazed at how many seasoned journalists used to watch the tennis on the TV set in the media bar!

Would you have any objections if I added you to my blogroll?



Brian in Oxford said...

Certainly you may add me! I've only had a chance once or twice to check yours out at this point....I'll have to make you a regular, too!

So, are the strawberries and cream at Wimbledon as good as they play it up on television? Here in the USA, the coverage of the finals is always promoted as "Breakfast at Wimbledon", because the 2 pm finals start at 9 am on the east coast.

~**Dawn**~ said...

i use my cell phone all the time to save ideas & thoughts that i have when i'm not in a convenient place to write them down. i just compose a text message & save it as a draft.