Monday, October 09, 2006

It wasn't broccoli...

....that I was chopping. Nonetheless, taking an axe to a fallen tree is kinda fun. The drier wood split easy, the rotted wood even easier. Only the greener stuff was tough. Apparently the former homeowners left a partially chain-sawn tree or two in the back behind the driveway.

No apparent soreness from THAT, although tennis last night has me a little tight in the glutes again. 6-4, 6-8, and then lost the "super tie-breaker" 1-10. Ugh.

Today I go buy my suit for the wedding. Yee-hah! Erika's taken a cynical spin to it, suddenly my clothes are ready before hers!

And oh boo hoo, the Yankees are done. It's like a holiday in New England, a new annual rite. Although I'll say this, the Yankee fans in NY are less obnoxious than the Yankee fans in Connecticut. *Those* are the ones that have had smug, faux superiority complexes, all their lives. Perhaps Mets fans in NY experience it, instead?

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