Thursday, February 15, 2007

This winter sucks!

So great, it's cold finally after being 60 degrees for most of December and January. No real snow, though. We were supposed to get 7-12 inches, but no, we got 2 inches with another inch of crust on top of it. Snow pot pie, in my front yard. (Contains no actual pot)

On the bright side, I got a day off with impassable roads yesterday. I actually got to iron my shirts for the first time in a while. Of course, since I wear sweaters all winter long, it's no big deal, since I can wear t-shirts under a nice sweater. But the shirts were wasting away in my laundry basket. Pants don't need ironing if you grab them right from the hot dryer. Well, except for the Gap khakis....those things look like they're made out of crumpled wax paper. Nothing gets them wrinkle-free.

Alas, back to the world of annual 401(k) testing....

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