Tuesday, May 01, 2007

ho hum....

So, I haven't watched 24 yet this week. I'll watch it just before the new Lost tomorrow night. I'm not too thrilled with this "epilogue" involving the otherwise cute Audrey Raines. We figured they shoulda stopped the season after Fayed was killed and the nukes found. They could have called it 17 this year, nobody would have minded. Especially if they're planning to play up this romance with VP Daniels and his little chickie friend.

My left arm is killing me suddenly when I try to make a throwing motion. NOT a good sign with softball season pending. Maybe I slept on it funny or something? Maybe I tore my rotator cuff, though, huh? I was trying to loosen it last night, not paying attention as I was walking down the hall, and I knocked off one of the glass sections of the hall light, shattering it on the floor. Ooops!

Tonight is haircut night. Even though the fine folks at Camden Yards were nice enough to card me, cutting my hair short keeps me looking like a kid! (okay, it hides the 7-10 gray hairs that are apparent more when the hair is longer on the sides) I have been going with a #7 top, #2 sides/back the last few times. I will go at least 2 months between haircuts that way, too. Erika says she likes it fluffy, but I've liked short hair since my first buzz cut in college. Of course, Nabeel from Pakistan across the hall mocked it by claiming I was neo-Nazi. Luckily short hair became popular back in 1989 so I didn't stick out.

1 comment:

Mega said...

I haven't watched 24 for 2 weeks now, they're on my Tivo. I agree with you, they should have called it 17. Now we get to hear about the highschool drama at CTU. This season sucks.