Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What would happen if...(5/23 edition)

...I yelled out to the trucks sweeping my street with "'ll dance with the reaper!!!"

Not much look worse than dead vines among live trees.

I like to read the label in supermarkets of Chicken Pot Pie, or Pot Stickers, and comment, "hmm...contains no actual pot." Made a hippie-looking guy laugh once.

Saw the 24 finale....I think they realize they need to scale back *just a bit* next year. The seasons are usually, what 18 months apart? So Chloe will have already had her kid....I found it amusing that Jack knew his way around CTU as though they'd never reconfigure areas, plus he knew the old abandoned motel was still there to meet Chang.

Jordin's 17...I wonder if she has her driver's license yet, and if not, what good is the assumed Ford sponsorship?

I was surprised that the recycling collection people took empty Corona bottles with the dead limes in them. I certainly wasn't taking them back for nickels. (Not mine!)

Does everyone play croquet with the "poison" concept? It seems like it's never mentioned in the rules that come with the game? It makes it way more fun, though, especially on uneven terrain.

Sprint converted my old T-Mobile number onto my wife's account, and when I called her, the caller ID had her name with my number. Apparently that takes 72 hours to fix? Huh?

On a lint roller, are the perforations lined up with the same spot on the roll? If the sheets you tear off were all the same size, they wouldn't work becaue the circumference around the roller shrinks as you use up sheets.

If a major league baseball team files for bankrupcy, where in the line of creditors do the players' salaries rank?

I've been "banned" from eating raisins by my wife and daughters. Perhaps you can guess why, if anyone has the same "affliction".

If Indianapolis had won Super Bowl 45, would we have gotten any corny scenes with a 75-year-old Schneider and Ms. Romano during the pregame?

Is there a list somewhere of every show/city combination? Heck, even Hartford got Judging Amy to compete with Providence! If Springfield, Mass. gets a show, look out!

Jimmy Page played guitar with a bow. I'm waiting to see someone try it on a banjo.


~**Dawn**~ said...

i was just thinking the other night about the cities/towns that shows are placed in. weird.

and please don't mention Indianapolis with winning any more Super Bowls. =P

Brian in Oxford said...

Oh please no....I only meant winning the right to host the game.

Remember, San Fran playing in Palo Alto was as close as there's ever been to a home team super bowl. The Colts might WANT to lose the right to host it!

Brian in Oxford said...

Or maybe the Rams in the Rose Bowl in SB 14?

Nichole M said...

Springfield getting a show?? I wonder what it would be about. It's such an... uh... interesting place...

Mega said...

Regarding 24:

-I'm glad Milo is dead. Nadia should be with a guy like me. Not that dork.
-Is Doyle going to be blind? I hope not. He had the potential to be Jack Bauer Light.
-Chloe is having a baby? Is it Morris's...or *gasp* Bill Buchanan's?
-Will Jack's son, I mean nephew, be written into next season? Will Jack's daughter make her triumphant return and have a cat fight with Nadia?
-They can't really get rid of the Buchanan's, can they?
-Who will be President next season? Anyone wanna put money down on Tom Lennox? I like that little weasel.
-What was with the season ending? Is Jack gonna disappear now? He has so much to live for. Such as pwning the noob terrorists.

Big D said...

C'mon now... they could very easily transform the concept of The Wire and adapt it to Springfield. Hell - it might get a little more violent.

By the way - Brian... dude. I thought I had completely random thoughts some days, but this shit is like..... waaaaaaay out there.