Monday, May 21, 2007

dutch apple cheesecake

Yes, my wife has invented the world's greatest dessert, it seems....and by breakfast, I mean "next-day breakfast" to finish off the masterpiece that we'd served the night before.

Played some Oh Hell, Hearts, Setback, and 9-5 Setback. I woulda won hearts except I got f-bombed....Ever play, know you can shoot the moon, if only a last early trick goes by so you can get rid of your crappy loser cards early? And then your wife decides on the 3rd time, as the last of your losers goes by, to give someone else the first heart of the hand? And then you've got a recipe for 25 big points left in your hand and no way out??!

We had to buy a replacement croquet set for my daughter's. Grownups tend to pound the mallets into woodchips. The new set has slightly larger balls, but monstrously solid mallets, so that the balls roll all over the lawn better.

1 comment:

~**Dawn**~ said...

mmmmm... did someone say cheesecake?