Friday, May 18, 2007

Game 1

First at bat, bottom of the first....batting cleanup. They had a huge shift on me, so I decided to try to go to left. The problem with that is I don't hit liners to left, I hit slicing tailing flares. That's what I hit, and the woman in left field ran way over, stuck out her glove about mid-thigh high, and dropped it. So I ended up at 2nd base, where I was stranded.

Second at bat, 2nd inning....bases loaded. This time I pulled it, but got under it just a bit. The right fielder went way back, and sorta had trouble planting his feet. The ball popped out of his glove just over his head. He should have caught it....but I went all the way around the like a grand slam, but technically it's a sacrifice fly and E-9. I'm debating whether or not to call it a 2-RBI sacrifice was deep enough for the guy on 2nd to score. But definitely not 4 rbi.

Third at bat, 4th inning. two on. Swung at a slightly high pitch, and hit a little dribbler back to the pitcher's left. He had trouble picking it up, but I think an infield single would have happened anyway. Lord knows, I'm NOT going to say I got on 3 times in a row all on errors! I was then stranded.

Last at bat, leading off the 5th. The pitcher said the new right fielder was asking me to hit it to him. I did, but it was a sinking liner that short-hopped him. He then had it fly out of his glove in right, so I decided to try for 3rd, not just 2nd. The relay throw might have gotten me, but it hit me flush in the back as I was starting my slide. (So maybe I would have been safe...) The ball rolled away into the bench, so I was given home.

I'd have to say I went 2 for 3, with two singles and a sacrifice fly. One RBI, and 2 runs scored.

We won on the mercy rule, 19 or 20 to 7 after five innings.

No tests of my sore'd think a left-center fielder would be more busy other than picking up one rolling single.


Bart said...

I wish I had a schedule that allowed me to play competitive softball. But I'm afraid if I joined a league I'd have to miss half the games with a lame "I'm working" excuse. Stupid event based job.

Mega said...

We play 12" competitive softball. Usually, they have me playing the hot corner, 3B. After 2 games this season I am 5-10 with 1 HR and 4 RBI, 1 BB, 2 1 K.

They put the shift on for you? Are you a bigger guy or something? I'm "normal" size I suppose (6'3", 195 lbs) but I don't get any shift. After I adjusted my swing to put all of my legs into it (when I wasn't shortening up) the OF's started backing up a little more.

Brian in Oxford said...

What is 12-inch softball, dare I ask, dan?