Friday, May 25, 2007

a game-losing homer....

This is a fun story. My co-ed league plays some of its games on the high school's fast-pitch softball field. With very short fences (225 feet maybe?) the rule is, each team is allowed 2 homers per gender per game. They went up 4-0 on two two-run shots. We clawed back, got it even, and then exploded for 5 in the 5th (including a 3-run shot) and 1 more in the 6th on a solo shot. (We of course lambasted the kid for "wasting" our last homer on a solo shot, but it was 10-4 so we weren't THAT mad.) I of course with the big lead, and getting tired of squinting into the setting sun, literally wasted my last time up trying to hit a low pitch as a flare to left, but instead got a pop-up to third. So I ended up 2 for 4 with a run scored.

So anyways, that wasted at bat. Sure enough, the other team put together a rally in the top of the 7th. Second baseman dropped a pop-up...lots of gap thing we know it's 10-9, two outs, 1st and 2nd. I'm kinda hoping for a single up the middle so I can throw out the tying run. But this was where it got funny. The last batter of the game hit a bomb out to right field. Over the fence by 50 feet. So instead of a game-winning's an out because it's the 3rd guy to hit a homer in the game for them.

Okay, next story. I apparently have been tagged by Chele76. This was at first amusing because I noticed that Dan Mega was tagged first, and he didn't try tagging me. I felt a little passed over, but that was explained when I noticed that Chele had tagged me and Dan at the same time, and I'd only read his first.

Here are the rules:
Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. I'm left-handed but play the guitar righty.
2. I lost spelling bees in the 4th and 6th grades on "persuade" and "cypress", the latter of which I spelled like the island, rather than the tree as dictated in our spelling book. Even showing the teacher on a globe was to no avail.
3. I threw up lobster after finally agreeing to try it as a twelve-year-old, as my parents bribed me with three packs of baseball cards. It wouldn't go down, no matter how hard I tried to swallow (an allergy, maybe?) and they relented and rewarded my efforts with the cards.
4. I prefer Missile Command to Asteroids, any day of the week.
5. I have no trouble spending $80 on something at Christmas time for a relative that I wouldn't spend $60 on for myself if I liked the same thing.
6. I once tried to make homemade butter rum ice cream by adding real melted butter to the mix, which then froze into chunks of butter throughout the mixture.
7. I can still solve a Rubik's cube, 25 years since I last read the book with the sequences for the various stages.

Who to tag....let's go with some of the folks from my fantasy baseball league: Big D, Guy in the Corner, Fost, Andy, Dr. Doom, Jays64, and Rafael.


Mega said...

Had Chele not tagged you, you would have been #1 on my list. I love you man!

~**Dawn**~ said...

man... if someone cajoled me into eating something i really didn't want to & then i threw up, i would want way more than a few packs of baseball cards, like maybe a whole box!

Saadia said...

I'm impressed with the Rubik's Cube thing...

Big D said...

Hmmm... seems like Brian forgot one of his own rules...

"Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!"

Not a single comment for me regarding the tagging my friend. For shame.

Tell ya what - I'll just write up my 7 anyway but I'm not going to bother tagging anyone else, since of the only 7 blogs I read, you've already tagged 2, I can't comment on Deadspin (yet) and I don't think Shanny would follow through with this...