Thursday, May 10, 2007

oh, the pain....

So, the ex-Scrubs (still without a name) had our first scrimmage last night. Not everyone could make it, but it was good to start running around out on a field again.

a. My arm feels like it's detaching at the shoulder. That's not cool, especially for an outfielder. It doesn't hurt to throw. But it hurts to simulate a throwing motion. Weird. I've already mentioned to my other coach that perhaps I should play second base and throw right-handed. (If I throw like a girl, would that fill a roster spot as such?)

b. I was backpedaling back out to left-center after backing up second base, and fell over on my butt. People look at me, what happened, am I ok, etc. Turns out there was a hole in the outfield that I'd stepped in. About eight inches round, and 6 inches deep. Someone from the other team came out the next inning and filled it with a spare shoe so that we'd be aware of it.

c. Scored 2 runs after 2 infield hits. But infield hits suck....all it proves is that an all-grass infield is slow. Data-Ease tonight should be doing batting practice, so I can get some more lift on the ball. Still haven't heard which field, though, that we're supposed to be on at 6 tonight.

On another topic, Rival, the Crock-Pot company, makes an indoor BBQ pit, and the ribs I had going all day yesterday came out awesome! I made a quick sauce with ketchup, honey, and lime-pepper spice mixture from the cabinet. They went for about 11 hours, and I couldn't even pull the 4 half-racks out of the thing, because the meat was falling off and sticking to the racks. I had to invert the thing over a plate!

But ugh, I fear tonight I must clean the thing now.


~**Dawn**~ said...

heh. we can start calling you JD Drew now. =P

Mega said...

JD Drew sounds better that some guy Dawn todl me about called "The Nipper". Brian could be "Nips" for short.