Wednesday, May 16, 2007

What would happen if....

CBS decided to break out their 1976 prime time lineup for a week? Would the ratings be better or worse?

I can't even imagine that CBS used to show Scooby-Doo when it first came out. It always seems so ABC in my mind.

If the island on Lost has such great healing powers, does that mean Locke will be okay after getting shot?

Could ventriloquist dummies fight? Would the performers be able to keep up the voice work while engaged in hand-to-hand combat?

Does lawn fertilizer with anti-weed ingredients only work prophylactically? Will it kill existing weeds already sprouted?

How many people with pet woodchucks actually name them Chuck?

Did anyone wonder if my use of the term "prophylactically" had anything to do with birth control?

Why isn't birch beer more popular?

Isn't it amusing when there's a welcome sign for someone in your office with the same name as a guy you knew in college? I secretly wonder if it's the guy who joined the gay/lesbian student association....just to see how he's turned out as an adult.

I throw about as deadly a wiffle ball pitch as there is. Unfortunately, because I'm lefty, it only really works half as well against righties. Combo left-to-right break with off-the-table drop.

Can regular people hit knuckleballs better than trained baseball players?

I hate it when I punch a spindle-hole through the numbers on a page.

Can alcohol actually be administered intravenously, if diluted enough? Have medical residents tried this?

Ever hate it when one band you like covers a song by another band you like? Aerosmith's "I'm Down" is way better than their version of "Come Together".

Does cooking bacon in the oven really make it catch on fire?

What's the minimum height for a highway overpass, so that it does NOT need one of those warning signs indicating its height? 13 feet 8 inches? 14-9?

Can they invent a piano with strings as easy to tune as a guitar's? I could save a hundred bucks a year.

What else, besides excess consumption, may cause a laxative effect?

I used to always call the tan M&M's "brown" and the ones more commonly known as brown as the black ones.

Macaroni and cheese with pepperoni is an awesome use for post-party platter leftovers.

Riemann sums....anyone?


~**Dawn**~ said...

yay! birch beer! (OMG... i just said that in the same context as "Red Stripe Beer. Hooray beer!")

this may be the best random list i've read in months!

Bart said...

I had a job at a place back in high school that always put bacon in the oven ahead of time. We'd then throw it on the grill for a few seconds to get it sizzling, but it was short-order type stuff, so we didn't want to wait too long. It never caught fire in the oven.

Nichole M said...

You *can* give IV alcohol. We don't really do it anymore for patients though. As for the residents... it's much more fun to actually *drink* the alcohol. Sometimes they'll put IVs in before going out and getting wasted. Then all you have to do is hook up a liter of fluid when you stumble in. You wake up and POOF! no hangover!